Study in Cyprus

A valuable experience in international
advanced universities.

Why study in Cyprus

The choice of the appropriate country and university to continue one's studies depends on the international reputation of the university as well as the number of students accepted in the country where the university is located.

The cost of living in Cyprus is 20% lower than in France. Purchasing power is also 33% lower there. Therefore, when you travel to Cyprus, expect a local daily budget of at least €64 per person.


In order to access the bachelor's degree programs, a high school diploma must be submitted with a transcript. Students must complete at least 250 credits in order to graduate. In addition, students can enroll in courses in Cyprus without studying Turkish.

Scholarships for tuition fee reduction are available at nearly all universities in North Cyprus, depending on students' academic records. These scholarships are automatically granted when a student's academic record meets the eligibility criteria. They may even cover the entire cost of the tuition.

In Cyprus, primary and secondary education is compulsory. Also, public schools are free for all children aged 5 to 18 and obligatory for those aged 5 to 15. Although schools teach in Greek, English is taught as a second language starting from the first year.

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Forsa For a Better Tomorrow

FOORSA? est un programme pédagogique dont la réputation est certifiée par plusieurs témoignage de ces anciens candidats équipés par de grand professionnels en matière d’immigration, des conseillers pédagogiques rigoureux, ainsi que plusieurs collaborateurs dans de différents Ambassades.


Turkey is a dynamic hub that hosts renowned universities in the region


Turkey is a dynamic hub that hosts renowned universities in the region


Turkey is a dynamic hub that hosts renowned universities in the region

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